November 20, 2023, 2:16pm
From time to time i like to add additional information besides the pure schematics - for example a diagram, table or picture to visualize things.
I think it would be a useful feature if there would be an import feature for the schematics editor (e.g. png, jpg,…) in future versions of LibrePCB.
November 21, 2023, 3:35am
Yeah that sounds reasonable. I opened an issue to keep this feature request in mind:
opened 03:34AM - 21 Nov 23 UTC
file format
<!-- Describe what feature should be added or improved, or what u… sability flaw
you encountered. Provide screenshots if reasonable. -->
<!-- Optionally, propose how the feature or improvement could be implemented, or
how other EDA tools have implemented it and if you like it or not. -->
To be defined in detail. Probably simply allowing a few image formats (which are supported by Qt on all platforms) to be added to a schematic, with the following properties:
- Filename (or maybe implicitly using a UUID)
- Position X/Y
- Scale factor
The image file needs to be copied into the project when added to a schematic. Probably it makes sense to copy it into the schematic's directory to maintain a strong relation to the schematic. Alternatively it might be copied into the `resources` directory but then it is not automatically deleted when deleting the schematic it was added to.
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