Marketing Tip

From @ouabache on Wed Nov 07 2018 16:35:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)

One problem that Kicad has is that there are a lot of videos and app notes out there showing how to use it. This is great until they do a new release and most of them are obsolete but still show up in search results.

Ubuntu does lots of releases and tags every new one with a nickname. If you google “ubuntu bionic beaver” your results will only pertain to that release.

I would suggest the LibrePCB adopt a similar strategy and include a nickname along with every release to act as a keyword for searches. Promote this when you have a first release and it will save you a lot of trouble when Rev 2 comes along.

GIven LibrePCB’s origin I would suggest that you use the names of Swiss mountains for your nicknames.

Copied from original issue:

From @rnestler on Thu Nov 08 2018 14:17:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)

> GIven LibrePCB’s origin I would suggest that you use the names of Swiss mountains for your nicknames.

Like almost every Swiss company I know does for their internal project names :wink:

Nevertheless, I like the idea.

From @ubruhin on Sat Nov 10 2018 21:07:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)

Hmm the idea is interesting, but to be honest, I’m not sure what I should think about it :wink:

Ubuntu does lots of releases and tags every new one with a nickname. If you google “ubuntu bionic beaver” your results will only pertain to that release.

True, but I always have the opposite problem - If I read something about e.g. Ubuntu Bionic Beaver, I’m never sure which version it is. Is it 17.10? 18.04? 18.10? But if the version number is written, I know which one is meant :wink: