first post, so let’s start with a big thank you for creating a great application.
Back on topic:
Being a longtime user of all kinds of flavours of markdown I noticed some peculiar behaviour of the rendering in the Control Panel using the 1.1.0 release.
For example:
- BOLD is rendering the whole line and not just the beginning
- Tickboxes on lists are “removed”, possibly interpreted as empty links
Discourse renders these examples what I would consider as correct.
Personally I prefer the definition done by https://commonmark.org/ and use their reference implementation in C for markdown conversions.
==> GitHub - commonmark/cmark: CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
Maybe something to consider for a future release.
Greetings from Austria =)
Servus @grubernd,
Thanks for the kind words, glad to hear you like LibrePCB
To keep the number of external dependencies at a minimum, we use Qt-builtin functionality to render Markdown: QTextEdit Class | Qt Widgets 6.8.1
Actually they support CommonMark syntax and GitHub syntax, while we currently use GitHub syntax. But actually, as far as I understand, GitHub syntax is CommonMark with a few extensions, so there would be no advantage of switching to CommonMark(?)
IIRC tickboxes are not supported in CommonMark at all.
The wrong rendering could also be a bug in Qt. Did you already try with LibrePCB 1.2.0 which just came out?
No, I have not tried the new 1.2.0.
… a few minutes later …
Both peculiarities are gone.
And there are real tickboxes now, both ticked and unticked.
Added the blog-feed to my reader to not miss out on future updates. =)
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