Cloning a project, there's no "save as"

How do I do the equivalent of “save as” to make a new version of a whole project?

Can I just duplicate the project folder and rename it or will that cause lower level conflicts?

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Theoretically it’s not good to copy the whole project directory since it also copies the project’s UUID which is intended to uniquely identify a project (it also appears in generated Gerber files). But in practice it doesn’t really matter since that UUID is not used for anything important.

The most important thing is: Even if you copy a project directory, it will be a 100% independent clone of the project, with no relation at all between the old and the new project. So feel free to do it this way :wink:

Are there also other UUIDs in the projct file that will be copied?

Can there be any problems if I have new and old versions of a project open at the same time?

Since you say it is OK I will try it. I think I will rename the board and schem files too otherwise it will get confusing.

Hi, is this still the best way to copy a project?

Gian Carlo

Yes, it’s still the best way to just copy the project directory…

I use a cleaner way to clone a project:

  • Create a new project
  • Quit LibrePCB
  • Copy only the following directories from inside the old project into and over the same in the new project:

Do not copy the project directory.

This way there is a new UUID and all the variables are set up correctly.