Gerber files [SOLVED]

The generated gerber file (project)-COPPER-TOP.gbr shows all botton layer pads.
Isthere a way to hide the botton layer pads on my (project)-COPPER-TOP.gbr?
If yes, please tell how. I’ve tried many things but none worked.


I solved already my problem editing the gerber file using gerbv.



The top copper Gerber file shouldn’t contain bottom layer pads. Could you share your project, or at least screenshots of the board in LibrePCB and gerbv so we can see what the problem is exactly?


Hi ubruhin,

It is not a problem, LibrePCB is OK, the bottom pads I mentioned are the pads of the devices, it is correct they appear both sides.
My board has a special feature that require this pads don’t appear on top side.
I solved this, editing the gerber using gerbv.
I know this is not the standart way.

Thank you for your answer and congratulations for LibrePCB.


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