Highlight NET and TRACES in sync when selecting NET or TRACE

Does this feature has been considered for further developments ?


Currently nets are only highlighted across the editors while drawing a wire or trace. And I just opened an issue to keep in mind extending this feature to allow cross-probing just by selection:

Include also HIGHLIGHT a complete NET or a complete TRACK because there is no need to highlight a segment or segments of a NET singularly. Maybe the last can be a toggling opportunity by user selection…click= highlight a segment, again click (or double click) highlight a complete net cross-probing the related track and viceversa…
Note: cross-probing is MANDATORY, because for a ‘manual router’ it let you see and project the direction…and more.

I’d also suggest to include hight-lighted PINs and connections and PADs …a full analysis of the connections …
Possibly in a future you could also identify a sub-portion of a NET with a different color but with specific characteristics…

take care.