How to contribute to Libraries?

Thanks for bringing this up. We definitely need a library contribution guide.

I’ll start with a quick overview. This workflow currently assumes that you are familiar with git, GitHub and the command line.

  1. Fork the appropriate repository on GitHub:
  2. Make sure that the library is not already downloaded as a remote library. If it is, open the library editor to see the storage path and delete that directory in LibrePCB-Workspace/v0.1/libraries/remote/.
  3. Ensure that the directory LibrePCB-Workspace/v0.1/libraries/local/ exists
  4. Clone the forked library to your local library directory using git:
    $ git clone \
  5. In the local library directory, create a new branch:
    $ git checkout -b your-new-feature
  6. Edit the library using the library editor. Add new library elements according to the library conventions. If you edit any existing library elements, make sure to increment the version number.
  7. Commit the changes, push the branch to your GitHub fork
  8. Create a pull request on GitHub against the original repository and wait for a review.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any questions, we’ll try to help you along.