I have used LibrePCB to create a schematic of an existing device. I have found a few annoyances while using the schematic editor and library editor in a nice and stable program
(Schematic Editor) New attributes of a component in the component properties dialog are not automatically saved after entering Key, Type, Value and/or Unit. If one forgets to click the + button the attribute data is lost. Desired behaviour would be that with assigning just one value in the grid automatically adds the attribute to the component.
In the case above the attribute VOLTAGE is lost on clicking OK. And this inconvenient behaviour can also be found in the library editor. -
(Schematic Editor) After selecting components within an area only individual components can be (de)selected by holding the Ctrl key and clicking the components. More convenient would be that also an area could be added to the selection by holding the Ctrl key and selecting the wanted area. Maybe holding the Shift key and area could be used the deselect everything in that area.
(Schematic Editor) When having selected components in an area for moving it is mandatory to click on one of the selected component to move the selection. If not then the selection is lost. More convenient would be that one has to click within the outline of selected components but not mandatory on one of the selected components. A outline of the selection drawn would also be handy.
(Schematic Editor) It would be nice to have net high-lightening a right click popup menu on the connection (net) lines. One menu item should be high-light XXXXX where XXXXX is the net name. Another nice option with net high-lightening is to show the places where two or more lines of the same net are lying above each other. For example by not high-lightening that line piece or showing it with a different colour.
(LIbrary Editor) In Library Manager Symbols the position of the pin names can only be moved in the pin properties dialog window. It would be nice if the text could be moved with the mouse.