Integration of pcb2gcode

I used several times now “pcb2gcode” for generating gcode to mill fast prototype boards.
It did very well with a simple configuration file from production output files of librepcb.
Is it possible to add such a command-line tool to the “output jobs” menu?
Can I add jobs by myself?
kind regards, Gerd

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Hmm generally I like the idea, but due to several dependencies of pcb2gcode (especially boost) it will probably be very cumbersome/difficult to integrate it into LibrePCB by source code :frowning_face: And integrating as a binary is probably not much easier. Probably not worth the effort, as not many people do PCB milling anymore…

That’s currently not possible because we want output jobs to be fully portable, i.e. if you give a project somebody else he will be able to generate the same output files. With a CLI this won’t be possible anymore. We might re-consider this decision some day as I totally agree sometimes it would be handy to integrate custom CLI tools.

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