SMT footprint with a hole in the PCB does not work?


I want to put a component with two leads on the bottom of my PCB - with a 16mm hole for the body of the part in the PCB. I drew the attached footprint - but no hole comes up in the drill file. Am I approaching this wrong?

Of course this hole should end up in the drill file. Do you see the hole in the board editor (2D & 3D views)? Maybe you added the device to the board before the hole was there in the footprint? In that case you’d need to update the project library (Project → Update Project Library).

And how do you know that the hole is not exported, did you check the drill file manually or with a Gerber viewer?

Thanks for the quick reply.

I have to admit I did not check the drill file - too trusting :slight_smile:
The files I sent to the PCB house did include the big hole. I’ll have to contact them and find out why they skipped it. Perhaps because there were two drill files - plated and non-plated - but there were three holes in the non-plated file - need to check with the guy I did the boards for if the other small non-plated holes are there.

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