Is it possible to change the drillsize of PlatedThroughHoles of a standard footprint? How can I see what the actual drillsize of a PTH a pin of a standard footprint is in the boardeditor?
Changing the pad drill size in the board editor is not possible yet, but it’s already an issue open for that:
opened 01:21PM - 30 Aug 22 UTC
file format
<!-- Describe what feature should be added or improved, or what u… sability flaw
you encountered. Provide screenshots if reasonable. -->
Currently the whole geometry (including pads) of footprints added to a board is taken from the package in the library. This is fine for most use-cases. However, from time to time there are special needs for only a particular board. For example, you want to hide or modify the silkscreen of a footprint to avoid ugly conflicts with other footprint's silkscreen. Or you want to make a pad smaller due to space issues which are difficult to fix. Or from the 4 mounting holes of a part you want only 3 on your board because there's no space for the 4th screw. For all these problems it makes no sense to solve them by adding more footprint variants to the packages, because they are not generic but very specific for a particular board.
<!-- Optionally, propose how the feature or improvement could be implemented, or
how other EDA tools have implemented it and if you like it or not. -->
It would be nice to allow overriding each pad, polygon etc. of a footprint within a board, either by custom properties or by completely removing/hiding the objects. Ideally, the modifications should apply only to one particular footprint instance, even if the same footprint is added multiple times to the same board. The details how this could be implemented exactly need to be clarified...
How can I see what the actual drillsize of a PTH a pin of a standard footprint is in the boardeditor?
You can use the measure tool - it will snap on 4 edges of the drill so the measured diameter will be exact.