Move partial schemtic from current page to another

Generally , during development the schematic grows and changes as the project rolls out. One common feature is that extra pages are added to allow for more circuity and a logical reorganization of schematic blocks into selected pages.

Currently there is no MOVE function to move a schematic block to another page. The copy and paste method adds new components and nets. Then deleting the original block loses the existing part numbers and net names. This causes any PCB to lose that block of components from the board, requiring a relay of that section.

I envisage this function would operate on a schematic block by providing a MOVE keystroke to make the selected area under the mouse to be moved over and dropped onto a page in the pages column.
Selecting that page for display would show the schematic block to be just off the page boundary ready to be placed on the selected page.
The original component numbers etc and nets would be maintained.
The schematic block would not be on the original page any more.

I suspect its not that simple, but as an idea for the future

Regards … Tom

Yes this is currently a known limitation. Generally I recommend to use cut & paste (not copy & paste) as this should keep the original component- and net names (I didn’t verify - if this is not the case, it’s considered a bug).

IMHO this is also the most natural way to move things from one schematic to another, as it is a common design concept known from many other applications. I don’t think a dedicated “move” command makes much sense as it would be just redundant.

So the only problem left is that during cut & paste, the devices disappear from the board. For that, there’s already an issue open:

In the mean time, the best is to try avoiding this situation by getting the schematics done as good as possible before starting with the board design.