Hi everyone,
I’m trying to create a 5 pin connector. In all the CADs I have used I have always created them as follows:
Create a symbol that contains a single connector pin like the following picture
This is the basic element for all connectors.
The component contains as many symbols as the number of the pins
The device is the union of the component with the Package.
So I should have a device that has (in my example) 5 pins named Jx.1, Jx.2, Jx.3, Jx.4, Jx.5.
I don’t want to create a single symbol with 5 pins. I don’t like it and I think is not so flexible.
However, I have difficulty discriminating which electrical pin corresponds to the physical pin so that I can associate them correctly.
Any idea how to discriminate it?
Gian Carlo
Hi @giancarlo64,
In the component editor you need to make sure the signal names are unique:
Either all your signals are named “1” or you have only one, while there must be a different signal for each connector pin.
Then also make sure the assignment of the symbols are correct:
It’s just my personal opinion but I’d definitively recommend to use the built-in connector components from the “LibrePCB Connectors” library
In your current approach you would need to (manually!) add 20 symbols for a single 20-pin connector, and schematics are hard to read if they are spread across schematics. But again, just my opinion 
Thanks for the reply. I solved the doubt.
Regarding having all the pins separate, I know it can be annoying to place each individual pin individually but it gives me the flexibility to space the pins out if necessary to make the schematic more readable. But clearly it’s a personal choice

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