Tth capacitor footprint

I am using LibrePCB as a novice to pcb creating.
I am trying to design a simple pcb with a couple of transistors a few resistors and capacitors.
I am having reasonable success as I find it quite user friendly but I can’t find any footprints for tth capacitors, all appear to be smd. As this is fairly basic perhaps I am missing something. Or is it just that there aren’t any yet?

Hi Don,
You’re right, THT capacitors are still missing. I put it on my ToDo list now…
From my personal library I can only offer 22mm and 35mm capacitors with 10mm pitch.
As an alternative you could import them from an Eagle library.

Hi ubruhin
Thanks for the reply.
Just to make progress I can substitute the caps for resistors.
In the meantime I will work out how to import the libraries from Eagle.

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….or design your own in the editor. This is not that hard- and as a benefit- everything is as you want it to be (size of Pads, holes, ….)
Give it a try!

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Ooops I just realized, we do have THT capacitors! They are in the Base library.

Seems my memory is not the best :sweat_smile:

If this is not what you’re looking for, please clarify.

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I think he means unpolarized ones like mylar, MKP, MKS,….
If i remember correctly those are missing