Hello! I have a xUbuntu 20.04 system. Just I have download and install a LibrePCB 0.1.4 via snap (snap install librepcb). Packet installed ok. B
I use attached volume for my data files (Hard Disc with ssd cache, Seagate 2TB) plugged via sata connector, described in /etc/fstab as volume plugged on /mnt/e directory. /mnt/e is my data volume with my data files. All program use /mnt/e/somesubdir/etc hierarhical system. Office, games, utilities and many many other tools. Even a WINE progs use this catalogues, for example old and excellent working PCAD-2004 from Altium use this cataligues for libraries and citcuits.
Last year I was use a 0.1.2 LibrePCB and create working catalogue as /mnt/e/Doc/Electro/LibrePCB-Lib. There are my test project with my attempts to create libraries with metric units (I wrote about this some months ago). Now I want to access this files. But! After install I can’t find my old directories! Where are there?
First screenshot. When I run program - I’ve been to choose a working directory. Okay, let’s choose it!
Second shot. ! (BANNED) Okay I don’t need a default catalogues, let’s go to root // Now we see a root directory. Let’s go to /mnt ! It’s a very simple to go!
Third shot !(BANNED) Where are “e”? I don’t see a “e” subdirectory, seems on other progs (forexamle Double Commander. Okay, I type this directory manually. And I go to this directory! It’s a hidden from list? No. What is a WTF? I type all path manually to my old files. Directory is seems but no files! Once more WTF.
What appears since 0.1.2 version?